Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tips For Fishing With Worms

By : Trevor Kuqler
Okay, before I begin this article let me preface it by stating that the term 'with worms' in the title "tips for fishing with worms", is referring to live worms. Not the multi colored pieces of rubber that many Bass anglers are so enamored with. This article, and the tips contained in it , are for those of you who enjoy fishing with what Hank Hill referred to as, "The good old American worm". The kind that live in the dirt, and can be found almost anywhere in the world.
The biggest and most important tip in the world of fishing with worms is as obvious as the nose on your face, but many anglers tend to overlook it. That tip is that a worm should look like, well a worm. This sounds obvious, I realize that, but the fact is that many anglers overlook the fact that live worm needs to look like a live worm.

And what is it that most anglers end up doing, when it comes to fishing with worms? They end up attempting to thread said worm onto a single hook or they end up simply hooking the worm over and over again, thus creating what I like to call the worm ball. Both of these techniques are a big mistake, and cost many anglers bites. The problem with doing either one of the things mentioned above, is that the worm ends up appearing anything but natural.

The remedy for the two problems mentioned above is called gang hooks. You see, gang hooks are simply a pair of small hooks tied in tandem, thus enabling a live worm to be presented in an outstretched and natural manner. The concept is simple, but very few anglers employ them. This is a big mistake. Live worms rigged on a set of pre-tied gang hooks is the only way to present a live worm in a natural manner, and if allowed to drift naturally through the current of a river, can be quite deadly.

The next tip is to have an efficient way in which to carry your live worms while fishing. Many angler choose to simply carry the Styrofoam container the worms were purchased in with them while fishing, and this to is a big mistake. The problem with simply carrying your fishing worms with you is that you always have to figure out where you left them and then open and dig through the container when a worm is needed. This is very inefficient and wastes valuable fishing time. Your live worms should be carried in a bait bag, so they are always right "at your fingertips" whenever you need them. Use a bait bag and you won't waste your valuable fishing time looking for and baiting your worms.

These simple, yet effective tips will help you become a much more happy and successful angler. Give one or all of them a try, you won't be disappointed. How am I so sure these tips work? Simple. I've personally been using them in my own fishing endeavors for more than twenty years with great success.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of JRWfishing.com and an avid angler. He has more than 20 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.....Montana!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Kugler

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